March 19, 2024

Domestic Violence Viewpoints: Where Do You Fall?

Do you identify with any of these viewpoints?

Which viewpoint most closely matches your own? Which viewpoint has you thinking differently? Which viewpoint raises particular concerns? What viewpoints are missing?

  • The issue of domestic violence is close to my heart because of the experiences of myself or someone close to me. There is a lot of work to be done to address domestic violence. 
  • Domestic violence is an issue that can be best resolved by the use of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement plays an integral role in intervening, and the courts do an adequate job of enforcing appropriate punishment. 
  • There are a number of sociological and interpersonal factors that contribute to the issue of domestic abuse. To address domestic violence, the underlying reasons need to be prioritized to promote prevention. 
  • Intimate Partner Violence is inextricably a gendered issue and disproportionately affects females due to patriarchal systems. 
  • Restorative justice should be utilized more often, and the focus should be on rehabilitation over punishment. Victim-offender mediation is a reasonable approach in domestic violence situations. 
  • The victims are making the choice to stay in that situation, there are adequate resources in the community to support a victim in leaving. 
  • Personal privacy and freedom should be a priority, and intimate partner violence is a personal responsibility that should be handled within the family or community. 
  • Perpetrators of violence suffer from mental illness or personality disorders, and the best intervention is more psychological support.
  • Culture is a significant barrier to addressing family violence because some victims have been indoctrinated to believe abuse is acceptable.

Carcasson, M. (n.d.). Framing Issues for Deeper Engagement: The Role of Discussion Guides and Backgrounders.